Two People Talking with a RACE TO WORLD FIRST CHAMPION | Disguised Toast and Maximum WoW

Описание к видео Two People Talking with a RACE TO WORLD FIRST CHAMPION | Disguised Toast and Maximum WoW

DisguisedToast is joined by the Race to World First champion Maximum to talk about everything from raiding to mental health and puppies.

Presented by Alienware

0:00 Intro
0:54 Race and WoW
3:54 Cursed Clips Rankings
7:40 Uncommon Gamer Degree?
9:35 NA vs EU?
13:16 Two Trusts + A Lie
18:14 Max on ADHD
24:11 Dogs

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Topics in this video: disguised toast, max, max wow, maximum, maximum wow, disguisedtoast, max disguised toast, youtuber, two people talking, world of warcraft, team liquid, race to world first,dragonflight,Aberrus the shadowed crucible,world of warcraft 10.1,World first Sarkareth,Liquid world first,Liquid world first myhic sarkareth,Mythic Sarkareth,Maximum World First,Sarkareth Mythic World First,Sarkareth World First

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