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Best GUIDED MEDITATION for Healing Trauma and Feelings of Unworthiness. Use this POWERFUL healing guided meditation by Lisa A. Romano to begin healing shame and unworthiness. This meditation was recorded with alpha brainwaves and binaural beats, making this healing meditation far more. transformative as it helps to soften the subconscious mind's resistance to new healing information.
Feeling unworthy as a child causes the subconscious mind to create a negative inner dialogue where one also, outside of conscious awareness, is becoming more and more neurologically wired for self-sabotage. Abandonment and rejection are the supreme forms of childhood trauma, as they scar the impressionable psyche of a child and result in neurology as well as psychology that is maladaptive, making trusting the self and others more challenging than necessary.
Lisa A. Romano is a globally known Life Coach, Mentor, and Meditation Teacher who has committed her life to helping wounded adult children from alcoholic, narcissistic, abusive homes awaken their consciousness so they can develop the awareness around the consequences of trauma, as opposed to remaining in hypervigilant states repeating the patterns from the past. Lisa herself has successfully learned to master her mind and now teaches others to do the same with her online courses.
If you are interested in learning from Lisa, you must know that her process is a journey that requires an investment of time. She believes that healing must take place at the subconscious, emotional, mental, spiritual, and psychological levels for change to be long-lasting.
Her three-part process includes the 12-week Breakthrough Program, the 8 Week Master Class, and her third-level course, which is a 10-week course, called Soul School a Course in Love Consciousness.
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