I Found Gemstone Pockets in Nature and You Can Too!

Описание к видео I Found Gemstone Pockets in Nature and You Can Too!

Gemstone pockets contain giant crystals of colorful gemstones. They are nature's treasure troves that can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Would you like to learn more about these super valuable gem deposits? Would you like to learn where you can find them, and how you can discover them in the field? Join me as we take a dive deep into the secrets of valuable gemstone pockets and unravel the mysteries behind these crystal-rich pockets.
We will explore the geology of gem pockets, and take a look at these precious gems. This rock hound adventure will have you discovering gem riches, rare crystals, gem minerals and appreciating the natural crystal beauty that lies in these gem pockets. We will look at the geology of these pockets and how they form, and the techniques of gemstone mining. The valuable gems that come from the se pockets include aquamarine, tourmaline, topaz, kunzite, garnet, morganite, emerald and others. Some are mined from pegmatite rocks and some from metallic veins. Famous gem mines are found at Pala, and other locations in San Diego county, California as well as Mount Mica and other New England locations.
For those who want to learn more about Prospecting and finding gold check out my book, Fists full of Gold. It’s an encyclopedia of everything on the topic of prospecting. It’s available on from High Plans Prospectors. (Affiliate) You can find it at:
For even more information on prospecting, minerals, gems and other related information you can also check out my website at:


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