Inside the Great Deku Tree (Ocarina of Time ReOrchestrated)

Описание к видео Inside the Great Deku Tree (Ocarina of Time ReOrchestrated)

A dungeon theme! And what a dungeon theme at that! Instead of going for a dark, spooky vibe, Kondo instead goes for a more serene feel. He achieves this just by sitting on a V7 chord in second inversion. This softens the harshness of the V7 chord dramatically, and makes it easier to just sit there for extended periods of time. That's not to say there is no tension, as sitting on any chord for long enough builds tension, especially a V7 chord. If you don't believe me, watch to the end. For this arrangement, I decided to go with a string section, swelling in and out. This choice stemmed from the use of strings in the Great Deku Tree's main theme. This took way to much finagling though, but I'm quite happy with the result.

Original Composer: Koji Kondo
Created for: The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64)
Arranged by: ReOST

Special thanks to Theo Gieck for the artwork.

#Zelda #Orchestra #Remix


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