My Top 9 Teams for UTTU - Which is your fav? - Reverse 1999

Описание к видео My Top 9 Teams for UTTU - Which is your fav? - Reverse 1999


* I do not have any Shield unit built, so I didn't try the Needle Armor build.

0:00 No. 9 - Analytica and Art of Analysis (37's)

Felt that the Analytica stacks although goes up pretty fast but the % increase is pretty low. Art of Analysis also doesn't do much dmg, hence it is lowest in this list.

3:11 No. 8 - Mineral and Buff (stack buff for Jiu)

Mineral based FAME focus on buff and high level incantation, but is a bit slow and it subjected to RNG. We need to use Ultimate to trigger some effect, and to trigger Ultimate, we need to use incantation, by the time we get the Ultimate ready and used them, the game decide to not give us any incantation for that unit! big F.

5:25 No. 7 - Total Disable (3*/4* units)

This team is really fun!! but due to them being 3*/4* it takes awhile to kill the enemy.

8:09 No. 6 - Ramp-up with Eagerness and Unsparing (FUA Units)

This set-up is pretty steady as we closely Ramp-up, I would say the most practical team set-up out of all the rest, truly just need Leilani's and Regulus's FAME Card on the main unit to Ramp-up. *there are other similar card, I just took Leilani's and Regulus's as example.

10:10 No. 5 - Plant and Poison (Sadly, I got no Sotheby!)

Oh boi, is fun seeing enemy inflicted by 8264910374 counts of Poison and they all trigger at the end of round! If only I have Sotheby!

11:48 No. 4 - Intellect and Spirit (6 and A Knight)

I am biased when it comes to 6 and A Knight. 6 a support but can do godly dmg, I see him more as a DPS with support and debuff utilities rather than the other way round.

14:04 No. 3 - Incantation Might
Baby Blue Card boost our main DPS's incantation, as long we don't use our Ultimate, we can continuously deal big chuck of DMG from our incantation. Use it on Jiu and the dmg sky rockets making this one of the most effective team for UTTU.

15:11 No. 2 - Beast and Ultimate

Spamming Ulti every turn is pretty crazy, especially with Spathodea. I really like seeing moxie being generated and spamming Ultimate every round.

17:20 No. 1 - Star and Crit

Nothing beats, destroying everything as fast as round 3, Star team certainly have the benefit to boost their DMG into outer space. Even if it's not Charlie, Lilya ST doing that super huge dmg after stacking Crit and Crit DMG is awesome!!


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