Spectating and Judging CHEATERS In Overwatch

Описание к видео Spectating and Judging CHEATERS In Overwatch

The community accused these players of cheating. Were they correct?
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Edited by KoleDaMan:   / koledaman  

Outro Song by Xygon: https://spoti.fi/2JYqItS

People in the vid THAT MAKE CONTENT:
Aldo:   / justaldooo  
Saturn:   / saturnobene  
Bumbler:    / @bumbler  
Yee:   / yeeunderscore  

Clips Channel:    / @phishclips  
Podcast Channel:    / @phishtankpodcast  

In this Overwatch 2 video, Salty Phish and gang review competitive replays submitted by the community. In each game, a player has been accused on hacking or cheating, but we will judge if this accusation is false or not. It was much easier to tell when they picked hitscan heroes such as Cassidy or Widowmaker, so we could see flicks or times where the crosshair locked onto the enemy. Are the cheaters caught? Or is hacker gameplay actually just skilled gamers?

#saltyphish #overwatch2 #hacker


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