Science Council Lunch & Learn with Prof Chris Jackson

Описание к видео Science Council Lunch & Learn with Prof Chris Jackson

British Science Week provides a chance to celebrate the diverse people and careers in science and engineering and the first of our fantastic speakers is Prof Chris Jackson.

Chris is a Professor of Sustainable Geoscience and an active science communicator, featuring recently in TEDx talks and the 2020 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures. 

Watch now as Chris talks about his journey in (geo)science communication.

‘From dodgy pubs in West London to the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, I've been lucky to talk to many people about the important role geoscience plays in our everyday lives. But what have I learnt along the way? And can anything I've found out help us talk more productively with the public about the importance of science in society, especially as we face significant challenges such as climate change?’


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