Is Rheumatology a good fit? A physician talks about her subspecialty.

Описание к видео Is Rheumatology a good fit? A physician talks about her subspecialty.

Dr. Martina Ziegenbein, MD has 15+ years experience as a rheumatologist gives her insights to helps students determine if this is a subspecialty to pursue.
0:00 Introduction
0:48 What does a rheumatologist do?
3:01 Why she chose rheumatology
5:13 Training path
5:46 Personal quality for success
7:39 Exciting aspects of being a rheumatologist
12:20 Frustrating aspects of being a rheumatologist
18:19 Work-life balance as as rheumatologist
24:33 Tips for foreign medical school students
27:21 Future changes in rheumatology
32:10 Working with midlevels
33:35 Other career opportunities
35:30 Top tips to students
38:37 Helpful resources

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