Big Fun Animatic

Описание к видео Big Fun Animatic

Warning: Underage drinking and some sexual material!

Also happy Pride month everyone :) I usually like to put some gay/queer background characters in my animatics (like at the end of "I am Damaged", or the dynamic between Heather C. and Veronica in "Candy Store", but since this song had a lot of background characters I had some fun adding more than usual. I also had some fun with references to other TV shows and animated characters, so there's some Easter eggs for ya'll about some of my favorite contemporary shows ;)

Song: "Big Fun" from Heathers the Musical

Frames: 344

On a more serious/personal note, there was a reason this animatic was kind of late and if you're actually reading this I applaud your persistence lol. I was making good time and was planning on uploading it 2 weeks after my last animatic like usual, but some stuff got in the way. I got reaccepted into Ringling College of Art and Design as a junior, which means that after this animatic, I most likely won't be able to post anything for months. Not for lack of motivation, because guys I have so many ideas for stories and animatics and I would be the happiest person if I could just do that for a living... but because I have a busy summer, plus Ringling starts in mid-August and their Computer Animation curriculum is so intense I honestly won't even be able to respond to comments for a while let alone make anything new. I guess I haven't "officially" accepted it yet, but if I want to pursue my passion as a storyteller this might be the only path that I can take in that direction at this point that is affordable and makes the most amount of sense.


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