腰椎手術更精準 手術機器人提高安全性| Unison Healthcare Group友信醫療集團

Описание к видео 腰椎手術更精準 手術機器人提高安全性| Unison Healthcare Group友信醫療集團

年紀越大,慢慢出現腰酸背痛,下肢無力等問題,務必要盡早就醫檢查或治療,若經腰部核磁共振檢查發現腰部神經嚴重壓迫,有些患者需以手術治療,手術主要是要做到腰椎神經減壓及重建腰椎穩定性。目前雙和醫院神經外科引進全亞洲第一台ROSA spine機器人手臂,可在術前計畫骨釘置入的最佳位置,在術中藉由機器人手臂精準定位骨釘置入的路徑及位置,避免因骨釘置入造成神經損傷;ROSA spine機器人手臂的即時回饋系統,更可追蹤病人在手術中因呼吸造成身體的起伏,即時調整機器人手臂的位置,達到不只精準更可防錯的高安全性。

ROSA產品網站: http://rosa.unisonhealthcaregroup.com/

We Care About Life, is what we are about at Unison Healthcare Group (UHG) . Having dedicated more than 60 years in the Taiwan medical device market, UHG have been introducing cutting edge medical technology to Taiwanese markets and abroad, bringing CT MRI from Siemens/Philips to Taiwan, and started to cooperate with GE Healthcare from 2014. UHG is the leading solution provider for medical imaging and medical robotics, and is the total solution provider for different medical equipment needs. To this day, UHG have served more than 45 countries and has become the top ranking medical group in Asia.

發跡於1955年的友信醫療集團 (Unison Healthcare Group, UHG) 為臺灣最大的醫療設備供應商,擁有Philips, Siemens及GE Healthcare產品的代理、服務、維修經驗, 近年則陸續導入了多款醫療機器人包括da Vinci Surgery達文西機器輔助微創外科手術系統、Makoplasty友信美骨立機器人手臂膝關節置換術、InTouch RP-VITA機器人親臨遠距醫療系統以及Rewalk立可走機器人腳。關懷生命的友信醫療集團近年來也積極擴展海外市場,為更多國家和人民提供更好的醫療水準。

Unison Healthcare Group: http://www.unisonhealthcaregroup.com/


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