EDF 6 DLC 2-20 the Moronic Pointless mission that almost everyone will love Air Raider Inferno

Описание к видео EDF 6 DLC 2-20 the Moronic Pointless mission that almost everyone will love Air Raider Inferno

Well this one was an unexpected turn to the weirdness. But yes, it still is moronic. And Pointless.
I was expecting this mission to be dreadful and even more stupid for the Air Raider, but after all it's by far the easiest class here. The reason is that drones won't do friendly fire on Bargas so you can abuse them and if you get lucky you'll succeed.

The weapons I used were the level 115 LA8 Armed Multicopter (Laser Gun)), the 106 G4 Delta Portable Attack Aircraft (Machine Gun), the 112 LG10U Portable Low-Speed Strafer (Laser Gun), the 115 Master Guard Capsule A5W and 111 Blacker E11 Early. Yes, I'm using 2 weapons level 115 which you can only get on DLC 2-25+.
G4 Delta and LG10U only work really well against huge stuff. Since all enemies here are huge, they will work well.
LA8 isn't exceptional but much better than non-DLC Multicopter drones. It's also the only more reliable way you'll have to hit something further away, so good for the stupid Siren.
A5W doesn't do much here, but none of the backpack items would be very useful.
Blacker E11 has reasonable armor and good mobility. Damage from weapons is low but not important.

Mission flow is stupid, pointless and devoid of strategy. Abuse the 3 weapons on any Arkelus possible, enter tank if you can be in trouble. You can still be randomly hit by Arkelus and their shots, or Siren and its blasts.
Try not to hit Siren until the Arkelus on the map are gone, and get rid of it when the last 6 come, that's all the strategy available on this mission.
You have to take risks and kill as many Arkelus as possible before the Bargas die. Use G4 and LG10U from as close as possible so that they're more probable to score a good hit.
Beyond that it's just luck.
The terrain is terrible, try not to fall in the channels.

What sucks here?
Barga (yours of course). Very, very stupid option here. Lousy movement, Arkelus will run away from you, or gang rape you if everything else is dead. If you picked it here, you don't have a clue how to play with AR (sadly true, so learn or think).
KM6s and Phobos. Chances of friendly fire are huge on the 2 Bargas, and they're points-based weapons. The mission will be hell once the 2 Bargas are dead. And if you miss their attacks, and they're chance-based weapons, you're in trouble.
Bulge will be difficult to use, too many Arkelus and it's unlikely you'll have time to aim it continuously. Possible friendly fire here too sadly.
Tempest. It was a good idea on EDF 5 DLC 2-11, but there the Barga was junk and there were a lot of spread NPCs, and spawning ones to entertain enemies. Also there were only 2 Arkelus. Here Bargas are not as trashy, and they're your lifeline. ATS will likely hit them unless you're VERY lucky. Too many Arkelus and their paths and attacks ae way more unpredictable than Erginus ones.

Only Vulcan or 105mm would be interesting, but in limited ways. Arkelus have way too much health, and you need to waste 11.

Surprising that AR can do this without trouble. Still a huge disappointment, this could be an awesome mission instead of this dumbness.

Not fun at all, just a waste of time,

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