Momo Ghankay - Kámágòlɛ (Liberian Gola Music)

Описание к видео Momo Ghankay - Kámágòlɛ (Liberian Gola Music)

Liberian Gola Music by Legendary singer Momo
Ghankay from Voko, Maana Clan, Bomi County. At one
point in time, he was the hottest and leading Gola
Musician in Bomi, Cape Mount, and Sierra Leone. He
won multiple singing awards in Sierra Leone.

#SierraLeoneMusic #LiberiaMusic
#BomiCounty #CapeMountCounty #GrandCapeMount
#GolaPeople #Gullah #GullahGeechee #Geechee
#FolkMusic #GHF#GolaHeritageFoundation


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