Metapopulation Microcosm Plates - Part 1 Assembly

Описание к видео Metapopulation Microcosm Plates - Part 1 Assembly

Metapopulation Microcosm Plates (MMP) are devices which resemble 96-well microtiter plates in size and shape, but with corridors connecting the wells in any configuration desired, so that they can be used to culture microbial metapopulations or metacommunities with up to 96 habitat patches. Part 1 of this video demonstrates the steps to assemble these devices in the lab, including gathering the needed materials, layering the pieces in an assembly jig, loosely tightening screws, and preparing the assembled devices to go in the autoclave.

Read the full Methods in Ecology and Evolution article on MMPs here: https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wil...

For more information on making the necessary pieces, choosing materials, or downloading design files email [email protected] or visit

Watch Part 2 of this video here:    • Metapopulation Microcosm Plates - Par...  


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