We flew a brand new $410,000 Piper Archer TX.

Описание к видео We flew a brand new $410,000 Piper Archer TX.

We recently got access to a brand new Piper Archer TX. Yes with a pricetag of $410,000 from the factory. This was the most expensive Archer we have ever been in.
So the question was it worth it? Well thats a tough one to answer. But here are some specs on it.
The perfect combination of durability, reliability, comfort and technology – the Archer® TX is the ideal training platform. Students, instructors and passengers alike will welcome the one-of-a-kind 180 HP Archer® TX with the Garmin G1000 NXi cockpit, and flight school owners will be delighted with the purchase and operating costs of this iconic trainer.
The plane that we know as the Piper Archer is just one member of the Piper PA-28 Cherokee family of aircraft. It received its type certificate from the FAA in 1960 and it hasn’t stopped being produced since!

Over 30,000 PA-28’s have been produced in the almost six decades since they first rolled out of the factory, and that’s for a few great reasons. It was designed as a lower cost competitor to the Cessna 172. In their Cessna competitor, Piper built a plane that would become the Swiss Army Knife of their fleet.

It would act as a framework for them to create a wide range of models with tweaks to fulfill the exact need in their aircraft. Nowadays, there are the Warrior, Arrow, and the Archer TX and LX.


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