Port State Control Inspections What to Expect

Описание к видео Port State Control Inspections What to Expect

Port State Control (PSC) is a mechanism for inspecting seagoing vessels to maintain global ship standards and prevent the operation of substandard vessels. It has been put in place by maritime nations to ensure that foreign ships calling at their ports comply with international regulations on safety, security, and environmental protection. Experience has shown that PSC inspections can be extremely effective.

National PSC organisations belonging to one of the Memorandums of Understanding on Port State Control carry out the inspections according to principles outlined by the International Maritime Organisation in their publication Procedures for Port State Control.

Vessels that cannot meet PSC requirements before scheduled departure may face detention, preventing them from leaving the port until rectified. Ships considered unsafe to proceed to sea may face immediate detention upon the first inspection. Such a detention disrupts a vessel's voyage and incurs various losses.

Preventing PSC detentions requires a proactive and continuous commitment to safety, compliance, and crew welfare.


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