跑步是最好的教育 | 博 关 | TEDxWeixiuyuan Road Salon

Описание к видео 跑步是最好的教育 | 博 关 | TEDxWeixiuyuan Road Salon

关博通过个人的跑步经历,分享了他从办公室到跑道的心路历程。他讲述了自己如何从枯燥的工作状态中走出来,找到生活的真正意义。关博通过跑步,不仅重新连接了自己的身体与自然,也让自己从社会规范的束缚中解放出来,体验到身心合一的快乐。演讲中,他深刻地探讨了生活的意义与个人成长,启发人们在日常生活中找到属于自己的节奏和幸福。Guan Bo shares his journey from the office to the running track, recounting how he found deeper meaning in life through running. He discusses how he broke free from the monotony of work and reconnected with his body and nature. Through running, Guan Bo freed himself from societal expectations and discovered the joy of achieving unity between body and mind. In his speech, he reflects on the true meaning of life and personal growth, inspiring others to find their own pace and happiness in daily life. 跑步爱好者。跑龄三年,全马PB 3:05:33,半马PB 1:27:16。获得慧跑跑步教练职业认证、国家健康管理师认证、IHEA运动康复指导师认证。
大厂HR从业者,曾就读于瑞典皇家工学院KTH、美国杜兰大学Tulane University。主笔撰写培训领域专业书籍《行动学习画布》。
知识产品经理,参与开发 《自我探索》、《个人战略》等数百门线上课程。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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