Coronary artery disease, GORD, and anxiety as potential causes of chest pain

Описание к видео Coronary artery disease, GORD, and anxiety as potential causes of chest pain

In this episode of the Clinical Update podcast, the MIMS Learning editors discuss the potential causes of chest pain, with a focus on diagnosis and management in primary care, including cardiac causes, gastrointestinal causes, and psychosocial causes.

This episode explores how misconceptions about coronary artery disease in women can lead to its underdiagnosis, how changes to diet and sleep can help with reflux, and how chest pain can cause anxiety (and vice versa).

The editors also touch upon respiratory causes of chest pain, looking at COPD, interstitial lung disease, and pneumonia.

You can access the website version of this podcast on MIMS Learning to make notes for your appraisal. MIMS Learning offers hundreds of hours of CPD for healthcare professionals, along with a handy CPD organiser.

Please note: this podcast is presented by medical editors and discusses educational content written or presented by doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals on the MIMS Learning website and at live events.


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