UNMADE was the seventh cinematic released for Episode 07's launch. It is the first cinematic to not primarily focus on the activities of the VALORANT Protocol, instead showing the origins of Deadlock just before her recruitment. It follows Deadlock (known before as Iselin) on a mission while she was still working for Norwegian security force Ståljeger, as she and two colleagues, Anna and Frøya, escorted a Kingdom Corporation scientist, A. Dorsey, to a facility known as The Vault in Svalbard, Norway.

At a facility in Svalbard, Norway, known as The Vault, a team consisting of three Ståljeger operatives (Anna, Frøya, and Iselin) and Kingdom scientist A. Dorsey is dropped off by helicopter, with a mission to retrieve a radivore bear being held there and ship it to Los Angeles. They find however that there is no one to greet them there and The Vault is running on reserve power. While unexpected, Iselin says the mission hasn't changed, and the team enters The Vault.

While on their way to Containment, The Vault then loses reserve power. When the team finally reaches Containment, they find the radivore had broken out of its enclosure. Anna moves forward but is taken down by the escaped animal from above. The remaining hunters open fire, with Iselin also leading Dorsey to a safer location. Frøya remains out in the open while laying down distracting fire with her Odin, but eventually she is also killed by the radivore.

Taking cover elsewhere, Iselin sets up a sonic sensor and directs Dorsey towards a nearby terminal, handing the scientist a Classic. When the radivore walks past and sets off the trap, Iselin swings from behind cover and opens fire while Dorsey makes a run for the terminal. Dorsey is able to activate a chamber, but Iselin loses track of the radivore, which goes towards Dorsey and takes him down. Iselin's Vandal then runs out of ammo, and she's forced to run with the radivore in pursuit.

Iselin is able to lead the radivore into a chamber, trapping the animal to the chamber's walls with a GravNet, and attempts to close the chamber's doors as it starts to power up. The radivore however is able to break free and forces its head through the closing gap, biting down onto Iselin's left arm. Substances from the radivore's body enter Iselin's system through the wound, causing her to become disoriented. She hears a voice echoing, "release me", before the sound of a gunshot breaks her out of her state of delirium. Dorsey, dying on the ground but still alive, had fired a shot at the radivore before collapsing. With the chamber fully powered up, Iselin activates it, producing a surge of energy that obliterates the radivore and bursts through the gap between the doors, also obliterating Iselin's arm. The only one left alive with the ordeal over, Iselin finds a beacon and activates it before collapsing on the floor.

Some time later at VALORANT Protocol HQ's medical bay, Iselin, having been rescued in Svalbard by the organization, examines her new mechanical left arm, now working for them as an agent with the callsign "Deadlock". She is happy with recent adjustments made by Killjoy, but is briefly agitated by a noise made by Wingman, prompting her on instinct to activate the arm's nanowire accelerator and aim it at him, with Killjoy herself just behind him. Killjoy says to Deadlock that she needs to start getting along with Wingman, but Deadlock replies that Killjoy doesn't know what critters like Wingman were capable of, before she then asks when they will leave for their next mission.

TO BE CONTINUED ..................................


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