Grant Ward | Do you understand now?

Описание к видео Grant Ward | Do you understand now?

Good morning, myself
It's been a while since we have talked


Because I have always loved Ward and I’m so sad he’s gone. Without him this show is missing a piece of its identity. Say what you want about Ward, he was a wonderfully written character and a very fun antagonist. I loved him as the hero in season 1 and loved him as the bad guy in the later seasons (except for when he was a little TOO bad.) But it’s really a testament to how much I appreciate Ward, when he can torture my two favorite characters in the world (a moment I hated btw) and yet I still love him. To me, he’s just that impressive. And it isn’t all about the writers – Brett Delton gets a lot of the praise too. Oh yeah, and losing Brett Dalton has been as hard as losing Ward for me. I miss him and his presence in the cast so much! Things aren’t right without him.
Ah, Ward. Our dog-loving, fitzsimmons-shipping, skye-stalking antagonist and one of the most controversial characters I’ve seen within a show. I really wish he could have gone out even bigger, maybe stuck around as the antagonist for another year. And now we have a guy who drives a car. (….No comment.)

So here’s one of my few Shield character videos. There’s a special emphasis on Ward and his most important relationships – to Coulson, to Skye, to Fitz. The Fitz and Ward is in there as much as I could get it because Brotp 4ever T---T. And they have some of the best scenes.
I hope this video reflects who Ward was. The older brother, the man without direction, the survivor, and the character who gave into his darkness. While I don’t like all the directions they took him in (and thought some were unfair and inconsistent), I think the darkness around his character arc shows how important it is to turn back before it’s too late.
Three cheers for Ward, one of the most significant parts of Shield.

Video Info:
Song: 30 Lives
Artist: Imagine Dragons
Footage: Agents of Shield Season 1 – 3
Program: Sony Vegas Pro 13


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