How To Make Iraqi White Beans and Beef Stew/

Описание к видео How To Make Iraqi White Beans and Beef Stew/

#Yabsaa #whitebeanstew #iraqifood #iraqicuisine #cffrecipes

Yabsaa (White Bean with beef stew ) Yabsaa is the most popular stew in Iraq . very delicious and healthy.


-2 cups dry white beans washed and soaked in water overnight
-2 lb. Meat (Beef or Lamb) stew plus some meat pieces with bones
-2 to 3 Tbsp. tomato paste
-1 medium onion diced into small pieces
-Salt, black pepper, red hot pepper and citric acid to taste. ( could be lemon juice )
4 Tbsp. oil


After you soaked the Beans overnight. drain the water and throw out those that didn’t bumped up and they still very hard and small.
Add clean water to the Beans and cook without any salt until they get soft. Drain from the water and keep the water.
Cook the meat in water until the meat is fully cooked and tender about 1 ½ to 2 hours under medium flame. Add salt when the meat is half way cooked.
Heat the oil in a medium pot and then add the diced onion and cook for a few minutes then add meat without the broth. Let onion and the meat sauté for a few minutes until the onion gets translucent .
Add in beans and mix all together for a few minutes.
Add the meat broth and the beans broth and more boiled water if needed it so the liquid level would reach to ¾ of the pot high.
when the liquid gets boiled add the tomato paste, salt, red and black pepper and citric acid. Mix, cover and cook over low-medium heat until the stew gets thick to you desire preference .
Check the stew if it is needed any adjustment for the salt , black pepper and citric acid.
-Turn the heat off and let the stew rest at least 20 minutes before serving time.
Serve with white rice .


لمكونات: -

٢ كوب فاصوليا بيضاء جافة تغسل وتنقع في الماء طوال الليل
لحم البقر أو الخروف بالإضافة إلى بعض قطع اللحم مع العظام
٢ إلى ٤ ملاعق كبيرة معجون الطماطم
١كوب بصل مثروم إلى قطع صغيرة
ملح، الفلفل الأسود، الفلفل الحار الأحمر وحمض الليمون حسب الرغبة. (يمكن أن يكون عصير الليمون).
٤ ملاعق كبيرة زيت او حسب الرغبة


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