Super Mario World Video Walkthrough

Описание к видео Super Mario World Video Walkthrough

This is a video walkthrough / playthrough / runthrough / etc of the SNES game Super Mario World.

I suppose it's more of a playthrough / runthrough since I do fly through a lot of stages with the blue Yoshi. However, I do go through every single stage (sometimes twice) and find all the various exits. The only stage I don't do is the front door of the final stage. I figured I might as well make things easier and just use the other entrance.

This was almost a perfect run more or less. I do get hit once or twice which wasn't that big of a deal, and there's only a few times I had to go back and get another blue Yoshi (most of the time I had to sacrifice him for the greater good.....Muhahahahaha!!) But in the end, I think I did a good job.

I don't do anything too fancy, except for maybe on the Cheese Brridge Area. But having played this game since it first came out over and over again, I learned a thing or two. This is one of those games that never gets old. The same can be said for quite a few of the first party games on the SNES. Good stuff....


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