FIREPOWER by Sillow (Extreme Demon)

Описание к видео FIREPOWER by Sillow (Extreme Demon)

The third insane demon turned extreme I've made. Tis pretty spicy looking and is kinda meant to be nine circles in a world where nine circles did not exist whilst taking from bits and pieces here and there. Really tried on this one to make each part as memorable as possible in regard to structuring and gameplay flow.

Regarding difficulty, originally before verifying I thought this was somewhere between Azurite and Bloodbath, but I now think it is somewhere between Bloodbath and SECTOR 19. Also, this is the first verification that I did not fluke (died at 95, 96 x2 and 97).

Inspiration: Nine Circles, 8o, Forsaken Neon, Cyber Chaos, Firewall, Red World Rebirth, Fusion

For Icarus CC2 as well.

Dr. Fredrick Power out


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