Leica Traverse Adjustment: Infinity Office software (video 4 of 4)

Описание к видео Leica Traverse Adjustment: Infinity Office software (video 4 of 4)

00:00 Overview of Infinity Traverse

01:05 Create New Project -import field Data from CS20

03:40 Edit TPS setup Information, view set and Instrument Height (to edit if needed)

05:55 Edit TPS Fs and BS data - edit Target Heights, PPMs and prism heights (if error was made in field)

07:25 Traverse wizard -view unadjusted closure info from field

08:50 View traverse observations Sets of Data, and edit and remove outliers if applicable

11:00 Compass Rule adjustment of Traverse

12:00 Distribution method of misclosure error (Equally or by Distance)

13:45 View adjusted traverse coordinates and results

14:40 Traverse report and closure information

16:40 Compare adjusted Traverse to Set RTK UHF control points


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