The Mystery of the Riverside Discovery: Hasan's Encounter with a Lost Child

Описание к видео The Mystery of the Riverside Discovery: Hasan's Encounter with a Lost Child

One day Hassan was walking by a river. The pleasant air and the sound of the river gave him peace. He enjoyed this beautiful nature and paid attention to what made his encounter interesting for him.

Meanwhile, Hassan heard a faint voice. The sound that was spread by the wind on the surface of the river. He looked towards the sound and saw a child in the distance. A child who was playing with river stones.

Hassan came closer and said to the child with a smile, "Hello! I'm Hassan. Can I help you?"

The child slowly looked at Hassan and said in a frightened voice, "I'm lost. I don't know how to get home. Can you help me?"

With concern in the child's voice, Hassan came closer and asked him: "Okay, what is your name? And where is your house?"

The child answered Hassan with a smile, "I am Muhammad. My home is in a village near here. But it is difficult for me to find my way back."

Hassan said to Muhammad with epic in his voice: "Don't worry! I'm familiar here and I'll help you get home. Come with me."

Muhammad was pleased with Hasan's proposal and took Hasan's hand with peace of mind and walked with him to the village.

Hassan and Mohammad were talking about their family, interests and concerns during the meeting. This way, which seemed short and fast to Muhammad, turned into a pleasant and informative story with the help and companionship of Hassan.

Finally, they reached Muhammad's village. Muhammad's mother, who was waiting for him outside worriedly, showed happiness in her eyes when she saw him and Hassan.

Muhammad told his mother with a smile#Ramz_Kashf_Kanar_Rohanieh
#Hassan's encounter with the lost child


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