Finishing the Story - El Sueño (easy method) - Extreme Difficulty - Ghost Recon Wildlands gameplay

Описание к видео Finishing the Story - El Sueño (easy method) - Extreme Difficulty - Ghost Recon Wildlands gameplay

To finish the story, we have to deal with the big bad boss El Sueño. In the last mission, you have to get to El Sueño in the mausoleum within a time limit. To do this, you have to drive through winding roads and across the large dam with various roadblocks and everyone chasing you - the Santa Blanca cartel, Unidad and even the rebels fighting you. Finally, when you get to the mausoleum, you have to fight through a few levels of enemies as well.

I found a way to get around almost all the fighting. Watch the video to see how. Read on to understand why I had to do it.

By the way, the game has 2 endings to the story. The original ending, which you will always get the first time you play through it, and the alternative ending, which you will get when you replay the mission after completing all the other story missions (i.e. tearing apart the entire cartel) first. I show you both in the video. I prefer the original ending.

Playing on extreme difficulty and without a mini-map as I have been, I couldn’t get through all of this in time, because at this difficulty you get instantly killed when facing enemies on foot once you are detected. The only strategy that works is to avoid detection and direct conflict. You can’t just fight your way through, because the enemies are deadly and without a mini-map you are blind to where the enemies are, while they have the unfair advantage of knowing exactly where you are once you are detected.

What I like about playing on extreme difficulty and without a mini-map is that it forces me into playing tactically, using stealth and planning. The problem is that in some missions like this one, the gameplay is changed from the usual style where you can take your time and avoid detection, into a time constricted chase or last stand where you are forced into direct conflict. This is good action, but not consistent with the essence of what a tactical shooter is. My approach to these missions is to try to find a way around the direct conflict. Using my teammates and allies (the rebels) takes the heat off of me, and allows me to focus more on tactics than on shooting. But in the case of the El Sueño mission, I simply found a way to avoid most of the conflict entirely. Took me a few tries to get it right though.

#GhostRecon #GhostReconWildlands

I play on PS4 with the standard controller on a cheap TV.


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