2024亚裔领袖巅峰慈善荣耀夜 | 盛大落幕!2024 ASIAN BUSINESS LEADERS CHARITY GALA NIGHT | A Grand Conclusion!

Описание к видео 2024亚裔领袖巅峰慈善荣耀夜 | 盛大落幕!2024 ASIAN BUSINESS LEADERS CHARITY GALA NIGHT | A Grand Conclusion!

Seed Planet年末大型盛会圆满落幕❤!

从扶持亚裔创业到凝聚亚裔领袖力量,Seed Planet一直在行动!2024年,我们迎来了亚裔企业家的踊跃加入,非盈利组织全球亚裔影响力协会(GAIA)也应运而生,彰显亚裔力量是GAIA的使命,更是Seed Planet的愿景!

Seed Planet携手澳大利亚国际卓商俱乐部,隆重表彰亚裔领袖!经过半年的提名和评选,从100多位候选人中脱颖而出,共有十位获奖者荣获这一殊荣。本场活动吸引了400多位亚裔领袖参与,100+亚裔领袖提名,130+企业支持,现场为癌症家庭募得8000+澳元,获得超20万次媒体曝光。

展望2025,我们期待更多杰出人才加入,共同为亚裔发声,推动亚裔影响力走向全球!Seed Planet也将一路同行,继续引领亚裔企业家,助力亚裔在世界舞台上绽放光芒!

Seed Planet's Year-End Gala Successfully Concludes ❤!

The 2024 ASIAN BUSINESS LEADERS CHARITY GALA NIGHT and The 1st Australian Asian Business Leaders Award were successfully held!
From supporting Asian entrepreneurship to uniting the strength of Asian leaders, Seed Planet has been taking action! In 2024, we welcomed the enthusiastic participation of Asian entrepreneurs. The non-profit organization Global Asian Influence Association (GAIA) was also established, with a mission to amplify the voice of the Asian community—a mission that aligns perfectly with Seed Planet's vision!

Seed Planet partnered with the Australian International Elite Club to honor outstanding Asian leaders. After six months of nominations and evaluations, ten award recipients emerged from over 100 nominees to receive this prestigious recognition. The event attracted over 400 Asian leaders, featured 100+ nominations, garnered support from 130+ companies, raised over AUD 8,000 for families affected by cancer, and achieved more than 200,000 media impressions.

Looking ahead to 2025, we eagerly anticipate the participation of more exceptional talents to amplify the voices of the Asian community and drive global impact! Seed Planet will continue to journey alongside, leading Asian entrepreneurs and empowering them to shine brightly on the world stage!

#seedplanet #亚裔 #悉尼活动 #华人企业家 #华人创业 #澳洲创业


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