British Guiana 1948 Reel 3 of 8

Описание к видео British Guiana 1948 Reel 3 of 8

Boat in shallow stream. Horse and cart.
Foliage-roofed house on stilts.
Partially woven straw object.
Utensils on shelves, village shelter.
Frame of village building.
Village scenes: circle of cans(?), stilt houses, various
Interior of a house: canned goods, fireplace. (?)
Stick fence houses.
Smoothing dough using hand tool, turning the dough.
Woven straw object (?).
Food on table. Tubular container: woven ( ? ).
Monkey in a cage.
Pots and pans on elevated wooden stand.
Woman scraping something using hand tool.
Bread drying( ? ) on grass roof. Kneading dough by hand
Tin roofed building. Children seated as for group portrait.
Various traditional houses and shelters.
Cow-drawn cartload of wood. Men with big snakes.
Felling tree with an ax.
Scenes from boat along marsh; hut in reeds.
Wood frame shelter, grass roof.
Leaf on thatch roof, fence-like stick wall.
Buildings. Local people. Cut-woods. Sylvan scenes.
Insect hive (?) in tree.


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