“Logon ki Kadar Karna Kam Kar Diya Hai” -

Описание к видео “Logon ki Kadar Karna Kam Kar Diya Hai” -

In this episode of Indie’n Folk Project, we have with us Naved Shaikh a.k.a Naezy, the famous rapper from Mumbai loved by hip hop enthusiasts from around the country. This lighthearted ‘baat cheet’ session with the rapper gives us insightful information about Naezy, the artist, and Naved, the human who has his own priorities and loves to live a peaceful life off fame.

When Peeyush lightly asked about his awareness of making it big in the industry, Naezy replies with all due gratitude to his fans and talks about making his niche audience.

In a humorous segment, Peeyush teases Naezy about his relationship with Delhi and the reason behind his infrequent visits to the city. His love for Mumbai runs too deep, being one of the reasons he doesn't visit Delhi too often. On a lighter note, Peeyush correlates Naezy’s answer to his fufaji’s excuses.

Naezy proceeds to talk about his journey from ground zero to the current stage, the ups and downs behind it, and his hunger for success. The mantra of Naezy is to continue on this path and create good music for his fans.

With occasional compliments thrown in, Peeyush asks about rappers’ habit of switching lingos while interacting with their contemporaries. To this, Naezy responds to the behavior of rappers in the industry.

Talking about the switch between the person Naved and Naezy the rapper, he delves deeper into the distinction between his artist persona and the man he is behind closed doors. He further stresses not being proud and staying true to their art, being an artist himself is a gifted blessing.

Upon being asked about the downfall of an artist to stay on track, he further talks about being grateful for his achievements and emphasizes his upbringing. Adding to the conversation, he reveals how he got a second chance to prove himself again to his fans.

To answer the question of ‘Where is Naezy now’ of his fans and well-wishers, Naezy admits he should reduce this practice of going underground regularly. Not disclosing his place of solace, he confesses his disappearances have a reason.

Peeyush then proceeds to ask what the motive behind turning from Naezy to Naved in this period of time, to which he responds with his daily habits.

In an era of diminishing personal space and maximum engagement with fans, Peeyush inquisitively questions the tactics of Naezy to stay relevant in these times.

The musician further talks about respect earned from parents as Naezy over the years and dedicating his life to serve his parents.

Peeyush proceeds to ask about the harshest criticism Naezy ever faced in his career that scarred him, and he gracefully replies by expressing his experience in the hip-hop industry to keep himself grounded.

Talking about his lyricism, Naezy shares his perspective of being respectful to fellow artists and not targeting anyone through his lyrics for online ‘beef,’ balancing competition like sportsmanship to keep it clean.

Followed by the chit-chat is Naezy performing a few lines from his latest EP ‘Anti Fitna’ for the audience.

The trigger behind writing the EP was to bring a change in the music industry, to celebrate music as art and using poetry to express raw emotions.

To not lose oneself over greed to make money and chase fame is the mantra of Naezy. Being secure and having faith is the key to his success.

Throughout his journey from a hip hop artist in Mumbai to a reputable rapper in the industry, Naezy is thankful his friends never left his side and further gushes about the good things in Bandra.

Naved, the soul of Naezy, reveals his relationship with God and perspective on being in love, talking about going an extra mile for your partner.

Nearing the end, he further reveals the rap scenario in Delhi vs Mumbai and provides positive feedback to contemporaries to keep their spirits high.

With a concluding note, Peeyush commends Naezy as an artist and his honesty to his passion. Watch the whole interview to find out Naezy as Naved and his early life, struggles, and journey as a shining star in the hip-hop industry.


The quintessential Bombay fly boy, Naezy lays down conscious, Desi rap with a flair seldom seen in the scene. This guy talks local, rapping about the place he grew up and the issues we face today. He's intertwines his signature brand of lyrics and compositions to
highlight the problems that exist in the city's ghettos and to resonate with the outrage felt by the country's youth with regards to class & culture barriers, religious differences, failing education systems and dearth of economic opportunities provided by the system. Naezy is all about breaking the social norms and expressing what's wrong with the country and its system.

Artists by https://indiecollective.club/

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