Champions of Belgium - Dirk Van DYCK - Top Pigeon Fancier

Описание к видео Champions of Belgium - Dirk Van DYCK - Top Pigeon Fancier

Dirk Van DYCK, o alta mare legenda a sportului columbofil belgian, inventatorul faimosului KANNIBAAL, cel care a scris istorie in sportul columbofil international prin descendentii unici pe care i-a reprodus ulterior. Porumbeii voiajori au fost transformati de priceperea maestrului columbofil belgian printr-o metoda ce ne este si noua impartasita astazi. Filmarea a fost facuta in 2007, in seria "Campionii Belgiei - Champions of Belgium", alaturi de nume mari ale columbofiliei belgiene: Albert Derwa, Jos Thone, Marc de Cock, Gaby Vandenabeele, Ronny Menten, Gert Noels, Ulrich Lemmens, Rick Cools si mult altii.

"Champions of Belgium" is a web series where we visit the best pigeon fanciers in Belgium. We try to discover and share with you their secrets about feeding and breading techniques, how to keep pigeons in excellent health conditions and the racing preparations.

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