Wing Chun Master Derek Jones Documentary

Описание к видео Wing Chun Master Derek Jones Documentary

The late Wing Chun Master Derek Jones set himself as the fighting force behind the Wing Chun System in the late 1980's. Having come from a background in fighting as a young boy growing up. He took up Wing Chun instruction under Victor Kan in London and later would be trained by Grandmaster William Cheung. Both systems were to have their merits. However in light of Derek's hard one experience as a fighter there was a genuine lack of realistic training when it comes to the street. The psychological effect of the emotions that are present in real situations of danger was something that Derek found was not being taught, there wasn't any training to bridge the emotional gap between the classroom and the street. These emotions must be faced by the individual student if they are to be capable of acting from their training when it counts, in a self defence situation. Before the explosion of MMA in the 90's Derek had already discovered the need for grappling techniques to deal with the situations that he had been facing. Something that the Wing Chun training was lacking in the depth necessary. Derek's approach to Wing Chun began to evolve with the addition of grappling and training students in controlled sessions of sticking hands and sparring to elevated levels of emotion, so that the student gets used to accepting fear in the body whilst still being able to perform. With this unique approach to Wing Chun training came a new name for his system. The Body Mind & Spirit Martial Art based on Wing Chun. Was to differentiate Derek's approach from other methods of Wing Chun being taught to the public. With the birth of the World Body Mind & Spirit Martial Arts Association. We embarked on the filming of a documentary to capture Derek and his art. This short Documentary is an insight into Master Derek Jones and the Body Mind & Spirit Martial Art. I hope you enjoy it! Dom Békés


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