It's Over Now (Jimmy Swaggart)

Описание к видео It's Over Now (Jimmy Swaggart)

It's Over Now By Jimmy Swaggart, Long Version.
With Rolling Lyrics Text and transcript.
It's Over Now (Jimmy Swaggart)
When I look back to yesterday, upon the many years I wasted.
And I think about the many nights of hunger I spent out in the cold.
I remember warming by the fire, the foods at Father's house, how it tasted.
Knowing that the life I'm need is living Loves and loved back there at home.
When I look back to yesterday, upon the many years I wasted.
And I think about the many nights of hunger spent out in the cold.
I remember warming by the fire, the food at Father's house, and how is was.
And knowing that the life I'm need is living Loves and loved back there at home.
It's over now. Its over I'm going home.
It's over now; it can't be long
The prisons of my past, couldn't hold me I'm free, free at last.
My Father I see, His arms reaching for me. It's over now.
I can hear my father saying, go kill the fatted calf and spread the table.
Then go and tell the singers to sing the welcome Song.
Then bring the finest ring of gold, and with it, bring the finest robe of sable.
To place upon the tired and weary shoulders of my child, who's coming home.
I can hear my father saying, go kill the fatted calf and spread the table.
Then go and tell the singers to prepare to sing the welcome Song.
Then bring the finest ring of gold, and with it, bring the finest robe of sable.
To place upon the tired and weary shoulders of my child, who's coming home.
It's over now. Its over I'm going home.
It's over now it can't be long
The prisons of my past, couldn't hold me I'm Free, Free at last.
My Father I see, His arms reaching for me. It's over now.
............. ............. .............


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