অস্ট্রেলিয়ায় স্টুডেন্ট ভিসা থেকে রেসিডেন্সি পেলেন যেভাবে এই স্টুডেন্ট. Australia student to PR

Описание к видео অস্ট্রেলিয়ায় স্টুডেন্ট ভিসা থেকে রেসিডেন্সি পেলেন যেভাবে এই স্টুডেন্ট. Australia student to PR

অস্ট্রেলিয়ায় স্টুডেন্ট ভিসা থেকে রেসিডেন্সি পেলেন যেভাবে এই স্টুডেন্ট. Australia student to PR. Bangla vlog. Facebook:   / bangladeshi.migrant.australia   . Applying for a student visa to study in Australian universities, colleges or vocational institutes requires certain understanding of the immigration process of Australia and option to apply for permanent residency in Australia, if the Australian international student visa seeker students are planning to undertake immigration to Australia after study. Currently Australia is offering easy Permanent residency pathway for international students who are studying in regional cities like adelaide, perth, Darwin, Tasmania rather than Australian big cities as Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane. Also International students in Australia who are studying some specific courses can get residency after completing their studies such as nursing, information technology (IT), cyber security, networking and telecommunication engineering, commercial cookery (chef / cook ) course, austomotive engineering etc. While studying the students can choose to take unskilled work such as restaurant kitchen hand, hotel attendant, factory jobs, agriculture jobs, fruit picking (komola bagan, lebu bagan, farm job), hotel house keeping, retail etc or skilled job as age care worker, child dare or day care worker, IT jobs, security officer, cook, chef, mechanic, gardener etc. After completing the study on an Australian student visa, the international students can get work permit visa temporary graduate visa subclass 485 to work in Australia and to gain necessary skilled experience. That skill and experience helps them to get skill assessment which is required to apply for permanent or temporary residence through skilled work permit visa of Australia. In this video one of such international student from Bangladesh shares his experience on how he decided to change course to a course which is demanded in the skilled occupation list and then after skill assessment successfully applied for a residence work permit visa of Australia.
Watch the other related videos in this channel: Student Visa Australia - Apply করার আগে এই ভিডিও টা অবশ্যই দেখবেন: Link:    • Australia Student Visa - Apply করার আ...   ; অস্ট্রেলিয়া স্টুডেন্ট ভিসা এপ্লাই করার এখনি সময় - IELTS, Proof of fund ছাড়াই ভিসা এপ্লিকেশন করুন: Link:    • অস্ট্রেলিয়া স্টুডেন্ট ভিসা এপ্লাই করা...   10 must do before immigration to Australia. ১০ টা কাজ অবশ্যই অস্ট্রেলিয়াতে মাইগ্রেট করার আগে করবেন. Link:    • অস্ট্রেলিয়াতে আসার আগে যে ১০ টা কাজ অ...  . Watch the other lifestyle and informative vlogs on immigrant life in Australia, to know about immigration to Australia, different aspects of migrants’ life in Australia down under, to know how to settle in Australia after immigration to Australia. The travel vlogs in this channel, will show Australia through the eyes of a migrant. This video is for those, who are searching for videos on: Australia work permit Ki Keno kivabe; Australia regional nomination, occupation skill list, skilled migration; Australia partner visa; Australia job visa; Australia farm job visa; Australia agriculture job visa; Australia student visa work permit; Immigration Australia; Permanent resident PR Australia; Australia Student Visa requirements; Australia Student Visa to permanent resident; Regional migration Australia; Bangladeshi vlogger in Australia; Travel vlog Australia; Australia work visa; Travel doctor; Visa doctor; Australia visa medical test; Australia visa health insurance #AustraliaVisa #ImmigrationAustralia #AustraliaStudentVisa #SkilledOccupationList #ImmigrationSA #RegionalMigration
Music: Building Blocks - Nate Blaze


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