Stress in the Workplace and Disability Discrimination

Описание к видео Stress in the Workplace and Disability Discrimination

The webinar has now finished but you can watch the recording

Stress is now the most common reason for employee absence, costing UK employers an estimated £1.24 billion per year. The effective management of stress and mental health related sickness absence is essential to not only assist in helping the employee recover and go back to work, but can also assist in identifying whether an employee may be disabled and consequently what steps need to be taken to comply with the duties imposed upon employers under the Equality Act 2010.

This talk will aim to:

Provide an overview of disability discrimination law and the duties upon employers in the context of employees who are absent from work owing to stress or other mental health issues;
Provide practical guidance as to how to deal with situations in which employees are absent owing to stress or mental health issues; and
examine in more detail the duty upon employers to make "reasonable adjustments".

This recorded webinar is primarily aimed at HR officers, senior HR managers, and legal practitioners.

Apologies for the Audio


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