If This Video Reaches You, Your Manifestations Are About To Go Quantum

Описание к видео If This Video Reaches You, Your Manifestations Are About To Go Quantum

If This Video Reaches You, Your Manifestations Are About To Go Quantum

Discover the hidden secrets of manifestation through the power of imagery. Visionaries like Neville Goddard, Bob Proctor, and Florence Scovel Shinn all emphasize the importance of creating vivid, immersive feeling states. By deeply impressing your unconscious mind, you can unlock your full potential and manifest your dreams. Learn how to harness the true power of your imagination to transform your reality.


1. Dr. Kristie Miller:
- Research: Advocates for the Block Universe Theory.
2. Dr. Giulia Rubino:
- Research: Focuses on Quantum Superpositions of Time Arrows.
3. Carlo Rovelli:
- Research: Developed the Thermal Time Hypothesis.
4. Tim Koslowski:
- Research: Explores Time Symmetry in Gravitational Models.
5. George Ellis:
- Research: Evolving Block Universe Model
6. Brad Skow:
- Research: Objective Becoming

collectively challenge traditional notions of time, suggesting that all moments may exist simultaneously

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The information provided in my videos is based solely on my personal knowledge, experiences, and insights for education and for self development purposes only. These videos are not intended to serve as a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice. I do not claim to be a healthcare provider, psychiatrist, or clinical psychologist. If you are experiencing health issues, please consult a qualified medical professional or a licensed therapist. The guidance shared here should not replace professional healthcare advice. You are solely responsible for your decisions and actions following any information shared in these videos. Utilizing this content is at your own risk, and you are to be taken responsibility for your actions. This content is designed to entertain and inform and is not suitable for individuals under 18 without the supervision of an adult.


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