Flutter - The LayoutBuilder (App Responsiveness + Know The Width/Height of A Widget)

Описание к видео Flutter - The LayoutBuilder (App Responsiveness + Know The Width/Height of A Widget)

LayoutBuilders are the best way to know what the height of your widgets is.

Now, if you need such information before returning the build method, then you'd have to use a MediaQuery (video for that here:    • Flutter - How To Get A Widget's Size ...  ).

But if you'd just like to know a widget's dimensions after the return method, then the LayoutBuilder will be your best friend!

Simply make it the CHILD of whatever widget it is that you want to know the dimensions of and that's it!

00:00 - Intro
00:32 - Code Overview
01:17 - Using The LayoutBuilder
04:50 - Conditionals With LayoutBuilder
05:43 - Final Conclusions & Advice
06:30 - Like & Subscribe
06:38 - Flutter Mentor Out

#flutter #layoutbuilder #responsive


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