Prayer For a Miracle In Difficult Situations - Lord, I come before you today , I need a miracle...

Описание к видео Prayer For a Miracle In Difficult Situations - Lord, I come before you today , I need a miracle...

Lord I come before you today for a difficult situation, Lord Jesus I need a miracle from you.
Your are the good shepherd, you are the one I trust.
You know when my mind is troubled and you know when I feel down.
You know the sorrow in my heart and You know the distress and the tears I have shed.
You know the sleepless nights I went through.
I ask You now to help me because, I am helpless without you.
Lord, I cannot do this on my own, I need You.
Heavenly father, I come before you in this difficult situation.
You are my refuge and my strength, my help in times of trouble.
Let your favour be upon me during these times of distress, even in my difficulties my trust is in You.
Lord, guide me through this challenging time, and be my source of strength and solace.
Let Your peace fill my heart, do not let these circumstances shake my faith in you.
Let my trust be rooted in you.
I know that I will come out triumphant, because You are the one fighting for me.
I put this difficult situation in your hands, your word says, ask for anything in my name , believe in your heart that you will received it.
Mighty father, my strength comes from You.
Help me in finding complete rest in Your grace, regardless of the challenges in the situation.
Give me the assurance to say, though I walk through the valley of shadow of death.
I shall not fear for you are with me, your staff and your rod they comfort me.
With a thankful heart, I accept your love and mercy; may your name be praised forever.
I have complete faith in your miracle working power.
With You by my side, I know that everything will be all right.
Lord, I trust in You, I bless your Holy name.
Blessed be Your name, forever and ever, Amen.

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