How to Position your Hands at Address in Relation to the Ball and Club

Описание к видео How to Position your Hands at Address in Relation to the Ball and Club

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How you position your hands when you address the ball is a fundamental part of your golf setup. Follow the golf tips in this video to learn the correct position of the hands and how they should be positioned relative to the body and your golf clubs (driver, irons, wedges).

Use the following checkpoint to make sure your hands are well positioned and that the forward shaft lean is correct for each of your driver and fairway woods, irons and wedges.

When you address the ball with any club in your bag for standard full golf swings and golf shots, make sure that the end of your grip points to the inside of your lead hip (left hip for a right handed golfer).

When you correctly hold a wedge in this position at address you will notice that the shaft of your club leans forward. That makes sense because the ball should be positioned in the center of your stance when you use a wedge for full shots. So for a wedge, the clubface should rest behind the ball, which is in the middle of your stance and the shaft of the club should be tilted forward since your grip points at your left hip, which is ahead of the ball.

Make sure that your hands are not positioned straight up from the ball whenever using a wedge. This will eliminate the shaft lean in your setup. And even worse, make sure that your hands are not positioned behind the ball. This hand position makes it very difficult to hit down on the ball and may lead to the ‘flipping the club’ swing error.

When you correctly hold an iron in your hands the shaft lean will be somewhat reduced. This is due to the ball position being slightly forward in your stance. But still make sure that the end of the grip points to the inside of your left hip.

And finally whenever using your driver and fairway woods the end of your grip should still point towards the inside of your left hip. But since the ball is positioned forward in your stance (just inside of your forward leg), the shaft of the club will not lean forward much at all. This will add a little more loft in the clubface which will help launch the ball into the air.

When you address the ball, you also need to make sure that the face of your club rests flat on the ground. You don’t want to hold your club with your hands too high, which would produce a shaft that is too upright and would lead to the heel of your club to lift from the ground. Conversely, you don’t want to hold your club too low, which would lead your toe to lift from the ground. Make sure that the whole clubface rests square and flat on the ground and that the end of your grip points towards just inside of your left hip, no matter the club that you are using.

For more on the correct position of the hands and shaft lean at address see:

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