How to monitor Soil Electrical Conductivity using ground truth data & make the Kriging Interpolation

Описание к видео How to monitor Soil Electrical Conductivity using ground truth data & make the Kriging Interpolation

How to monitor Soil Electrical Conductivity using ground truth data & make the Kriging Interpolation.


Class Start: Any time privately you can start.

For registration contact this WhatsApp number: +8801780942798 or email: [email protected]

Total Class: 20+ days (one day in a week)

Class Duration: 2 hours (Each day)

Time: depends on you

Training language: English

Course Contents

1. Introduction and Overview of GIS

- Understanding the fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems.

2. Data and Spatial Data Model

- Exploring different types of data and spatial data models.

3. GIS Maps, Map Projection, and Coordinate System

- Navigating through GIS maps, map projections, and coordinate systems.

4. Introduction to ArcGIS Desktop

- Familiarizing with the ArcGIS Desktop environment.

5. Managing Data with ArcCatalog:

- Learning data management techniques using ArcCatalog.

6. Digitization and Data Capture from Maps:

- Acquiring skills in digitization and capturing data from maps.

7. Spatial Analysis:

- Understanding spatial analysis techniques.

8. Suitability Mapping:

- Applying GIS for suitability mapping scenarios.

9. River Erosion and Accretion:

- Analyzing river erosion and accretion using GIS.

10. Interpolation Techniques:

- Exploring methods for spatial data interpolation.

11. River Density / Drainage Density

- Analyzing river density and drainage patterns.

12. River Stream

- Studying river stream characteristics.

13. Catchment Area

- Defining and analyzing catchment areas.

14. Flood Susceptibility

- Assessing flood susceptibility through GIS.

15. DEM- Understanding Digital Elevation Models.

16. Slope, Aspect, Hill Shade

- Analyzing terrain characteristics.

17. Determining distances to road networks.

18. Calculating distances to river networks.

19. Introduction to Remote Sensing: -Introducing the basics of remote sensing.

20. Landslide Mapping:- Mapping and analyzing landslide-prone areas.

21. NDVI Mapping -Utilizing Normalized Difference Vegetation Index for mapping.

22. NDVI Classification: - Classifying NDVI data for vegetation analysis.

23. SAVI (Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index)

24. Performing calculations on raster data.

25. Mapping Land Use and Land Cover changes and detecting alterations.

26. Accuracy of LULC:

- Evaluating the accuracy of Land Use and Land Cover mapping.

27. Generating contour maps for topographic representation

28. LST Mapping using ArcMap:

- Mapping Land Surface Temperature

29. Incorporating CSV location data into GIS projects

30. Geological Mapping using ArcMap:

- Applying GIS for geological mapping and analysis.

Online Training Benefits:

Ø * Course E-Certificate (After submitting all Assignments)

Ø * Materials (Slide, PDF)

Ø * Practice DATA / Code (All codes provided)

Ø * Recorded Class (All class recorded video provided)

Ø * Lifetime teaching support


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