भागेर आएको अथवा भाग्दै गरेको मौरी कसरी राख्ने त ? || How To Keep Escaped Bees?

Описание к видео भागेर आएको अथवा भाग्दै गरेको मौरी कसरी राख्ने त ? || How To Keep Escaped Bees?

🐝 *How to Keep Runaway Bees from Leaving Your Hive* 🏠💛

1. **Regular Inspections**: Check your hives frequently to spot issues early.
2. **Proper Ventilation**: Ensure good airflow to prevent overheating and excess humidity. #VentilationMatters #BeeComfort
3. **Consistent Food Supply**: Keep a steady food supply for your bees.
4. **Disease & Pest Control**: Address any health issues promptly. #HealthyHive #PestControl
5. **Strong Queen**: Maintain a healthy and active queen. #QueenBee #HiveHealth
6. **Adequate Space**: Avoid overcrowding by providing enough space in the hive. #HiveSpace #PreventSwarming
7. **Swarm Prevention**: Manage the hive to prevent swarming. #SwarmPrevention #BeeManagement
8. **Stable Location**: Place hives in a secure and stable location. #HivePlacement #BeeSafety
9. **Minimize Disturbances**: Avoid unnecessary disruptions to the hive. #BeeFriendly #CalmBees
10. **Provide Water**: Ensure bees have access to clean water. #BeeWater #HydratedBees

Keep your bees buzzing happily and safely! 🐝💚 #BeeCare #RunawayBees #BeekeepingTips #BeeHappiness

We are Available on :-
Contact:- 9869356787 , 076550119 , 9851088419.
Website:- https://www.arjunbesthoneybee.com/
E-mail:- [email protected]
For Whatsapp:- 9869356787

Our social Media sites
Instagram -   / arjunbesthoneybee  
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...
Tiktok -   / arjunbesthoneybee  

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हामीलाई सोझै सम्पर्क गरेर पनि यहांहरुलाई चाहिने मौरी तालिम, मौरी जन्य सामाग्रि(मौरी घार सेरेना मेलीफेरा, मौरी गोला, अन्य मौरी सामाग्रिहरु) अर्डर गर्न सक्नुहुने छ । शुद्ध प्राकृतिक मह, मैन, कुट आदिका लागि सम्पर्क फोन:- 9869356787, 9851088419 अथवा हाम्रो Offical Website www.arjunbesthoneybee.com बाट पनि हामीलाई सोजै अर्डर गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ

This video is made under the supervision of Arjun best honey Youtube channel.
Some of the element in the video is imported through internet.

Address and Contact
Banganga Municipality -1 Kapilvastu, Nepal
+9779869356787, +9779851088419

On screen
Arjun Pokhrel
Former Chairmain - Nepal Beekeeping Central Co-operative Union.

Content Host
Anusandhan Pokhrel
Instagram -   / anusandhan_pokhrel_  

Video Director
Abishkar Pokhrel.
Instagram -   / abishkar_pokhrel  


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