FoleyAutomatic: Physically-based Sound Effects for Interactive Simulation and Animation

Описание к видео FoleyAutomatic: Physically-based Sound Effects for Interactive Simulation and Animation

K. van den Doel, P. G. Kry, and D. K. Pai, SIGGRAPH 2001

We describe algorithms for real-time synthesis of realistic sound effects for interactive simulations (e.g., games) and animation. These sound effects are produced automatically, from 3D models using dynamic simulation and user interaction. We develop algorithms that are efficient, physically-based, and can be controlled by users in natural ways. We develop effective techniques for producing high quality continuous contact sounds from dynamic simulations running at video rates which are slow relative to audio synthesis. We accomplish this using modal models driven by contact forces modeled at audio rates, which are much higher than the graphics frame rate. The contact forces can be computed from simulations or can be custom designed. We demonstrate the effectiveness with complex realistic simulations.


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