sounds (tiny desk contest entry)

Описание к видео sounds (tiny desk contest entry)

my entry for the #tinydeskcontest

a video about a song about sounds ~

(i've been watching tiny desk concerts since it was first created and have been insanely inspired ever since. watching some of my favorite artists show their true sounds live has been such an inspiration to me to become a better artist and musician as a whole. i hope you enjoy this video & song, i did everything in about 3 hours today but am proud of the finished product considering i have never made a video like this in my life lol!)

shoutout to smart water (i am not sponsored but hey shoot yer shot / this sh*t is delicious) and my dog (for being cute as heck)

all social media outlets:



well all i need
is a tiny desk space
and a quiet room
where i can create

maybe a mic
and headphones too
but really i
i have no clue

what i’m doin
never took lessons
what am i doin
i must confess and
i know nothin bout theory
i know nothin bout that stuff
i just make what i like
until i think i’ve added enough

sounds ~

ooo ~ sounds

i like ~ sounds ~

you want me to
make a song
well you’re in luck
cuz i do that all day long

just sit in my room
alone all the time
this is the only place
where i can free my mind

yeah i go outside
to get some sun
but i really think
this is way more fun :)

spilling my heart out
on a computer
and making my heart sing
louder and louder




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