How to obtain an AP Andromada (updated).

Описание к видео How to obtain an AP Andromada (updated).

I decided to record a new video where I obtain the Andromada and convert it to AP because there are a few things that I felt needed improving on the previous one. The most important of them is that this time I had already completed all Quarry missions, so no unnecessary mission attempts were added to the stats. This time I included the setup, all the way from loading the game, showing how to get OM0 and how to obtain the normal unproofed Andromada before the conversion. I also test the proofings on it after saving it. Also on the other video at the undrowning part I was extremely lucky the plane didnt fall into the blue hell, 99% of the times it will, so as soon as you undrown it you have to quickly enter it before it starts falling at a very high speed and you are not able to keep up with it anymore. Also, I made a better landing south of El Quebrados, its not necessary to be as reckless as I was on the other video, there is a pretty decent open area there. Also, even adding those things, this video is only 30 seconds longer than the original, so I think it has been a decent improvement.
1: Don`t beat the last mission of Quarry (mission 7) too fast, as you will have less time to date Barbara. I beat it in 5:30. If you think you are going to take a bit longer that I did to do the AP setup I reccomend beating in 6 or more minutes.
2. I use Quarry mission 6 for the setup, just start it with OM0, then wait for a call, hold TAB or L1 depending on your platform, then press the button to skip the mission. Start Stowaway and skip the intro cutscene, release the button used for holding calls and get out of the bike, quickly rotate the camera to the right and fire your minigun. Make sure minigun is your selected weapon before starting Stowaway.
3. Its important to enter the Andromada every time you can to decrease its chances of despawning.
4. Dont land to recklessly south of El Quebrados, use the wide area there wisely. If you end up stopping to far from the city you can just reverse, if you beat Quarry mission 7 in a very long time, so time shouldnt be too much of an issue.
5. Be alert when undrowning the Andromada, be prepared to enter it very fast after doing so, as it will quickly descend and most likely fall into blue hell if you are not fast enough.
6. Fly into the blue hell south of the bridge on Whetsone. If you do at other places you may end up spawning on foot without your plane, or the Andromada may spawn with parts of its body inside a mountain.
7. Be careful when taking off with the Andromada after teleporting it to the surface.


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