Torrevieja Hobo : Cooler Nights and Mice : Monday Morning With Delta Mike and Tina

Описание к видео Torrevieja Hobo : Cooler Nights and Mice : Monday Morning With Delta Mike and Tina

Delta Mike's AdTent Calendar. A video a day until Christmas. It's like Advent, but with a hobo living in a tent in a field in Torrevieja.

#adventcalendar #advent #AdTent #DeltaMike #DeltaMikeTorrevieja #Torrevieja #homeless #SinHogar #SinTecho #winter


Referenced Video
TrampCast 049

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That Interview: With Barry From Scottish Couple In Spain
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Scottish Couple In Spain:
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   / @scottishcoupleinspain  

and Andy From @Mountainviewfarm2022
   / @mountainviewfarm2022  

To order a vegetable box on Facebook:
  / mountainviewfarmproduce  
(Delivery is within 55 KM of Orihuela)

Patrick Crow's Thunder:
An unconventional approach to fulfilment in a modern age.
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Vio!ent Monk:
Living a peaceful life requires you to have the skills and abilities necessary to protect it. This is called 'being peacefully lethal'.
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That Was The Week That Was:
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