How to use Borax to Raise the pH in your Pool - How much Borax to Add

Описание к видео How to use Borax to Raise the pH in your Pool - How much Borax to Add


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Part of the BBB Method is using Borax to raise your pool's pH when it drops too low. In this video I will show you how to check the pH and Alkalinity and how to calculate the amount of Borax to add to your pool - to raise the pH up.

The good thing about Borax is that it will raise your pH up without moving the Alkalinity much. It would take just about half the amount of Soda Ash 3 1/2 lbs. or 56 oz., however adding that much soda ash will raise the Alkalinity by about 25 ppm. So it would go from 90 ppm in this pool to 115 ppm. Not the most effective way to raise the pH since the Alkalinity will go up also.

Although it takes over 6 lbs of the Borax to raise the pH by 0.4 in this pool it does so by leaving the Alkalinity relatively unchanged. It may raise a little but not by 25 ppm. You will use more Borax but achieve a higher pH without upsetting the Alkalinity level.

Price wise it is about a wash. You will use more Borax which is cheaper than pH UP at the pool store but you will use more of the product. So it is not a huge money saver. The benefits of using Borax is that it is a very safe and effective way to raise the pH. I have been to pools where the customer has added 5 lbs or more of Soda Ash and the readings were pretty bad: pH 8.4+ Alkalinity of 200+. This is hard to correct.

Borax has some side benefits also and I have a video covering that also:

Benefits of Adding Borate to your Pool: Sparkling Water & Less Chemical Costs:    • Benefits of Adding Borate to your Poo...  

I use The Pool Calculator in this video since the Alkalinity level will determine the amount of Borax to add to the pool. You can't just add the Borax in a set amount without first getting the Alkalinity reading. You will see in the video that the lower the Alkalinity the less Borax you will need to raise the pH. The higher the Alkalinity the more Borax you will need. So you need to run an Alkalinity test also. Plugging the numbers into The Pool Calculator makes things much easier.

Use the poll calculator:

So to recap, you can use Soda Ash (Sodium Carbonate) which most pool stores carry under the name pH UP. Most pool service guys use Soda Ash. It raises both the pH and Alkalinity. Using Borax will raise the pH with little effect on the Alkalinity.

Bottom line, to raise your pools pH Borax is much better.

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