1989 [60fps] Midnight Resistance Nomiss ALL

Описание к видео 1989 [60fps] Midnight Resistance Nomiss ALL

ミッドナイトレジスタンス / Midnight Resistance (Japan) Data East 1989 1,569,200pts Player TKG本部 収録Ver Mame32Plus!0.109 ノーミスALL 連付

Game replay site https://replayburners.blog.jp


CPU構成[68000, HuC6280] 音源チップ[YM2203, YM3812, OKI6295]

世界征服をたくらむキング・クリムゾンとクリムゾン軍団に最後の戦いを挑んだ円 大地と円 光二の2人の若者の物語。このゲームは、操作形態にループレバーを採用した横スクロールの戦闘アクションゲームである。データイースト特有の味というか粗さのようなものを感じるが、実は全体的によくまとまっている。特に、火炎放射器の存在などは、ループレバーが有効に活用されてるといえる。その他、音声合成がとても特徴的。「父よ 母よ 妹たちよ 生きていてくれ!」はデコ史に残る名言の一つ。

かつての繁栄があとかたもなく消え、荒廃しきった街の中に、雄々しく立ちあがろうとする男たちがいた・・・。彼らは仲間を失った悲しみから蘇り、今、最後の決戦に挑むべく、武器を手にする!! 突き進め!撃ちまくれ!!最後の闘いに勝利せよ!
[出典:ミッドナイトレジスタンス 業務用販促チラシ(データイースト)]

Midnight Resistance (c) 1989 Data East.

One or two players take on the role of two commando brothers whose entire family has been kidnapped and must be rescued. The game's eight large, eight-way scrolling levels are made up of platforms, ledges and ladders; each populated both with enemy soldiers and with intricate, imaginatively designed enemy machinery.

In a gameplay mechanic first introduced in SNK's 'Ikari Warriors', players can rotate their guns through 360 degrees, allowing them to target and fire in all directions.

Some enemies, when killed, will drop a red key; collecting these keys allows players to upgrade their weapons at the shop that awaits at the end of each level. A maximum of six keys can be carried at any one time.


Main CPU : 68000 (@ 12 Mhz)
Sound CPU : HuC6280 (@ 3 Mhz)
Sound Chips : YM2203 (@ 1.5 Mhz), YM3812 (@ 3 Mhz), OKI6295 (@ 7.757 Khz)

Players : 2
Control : Spinner
Buttons : 2


Midnight Resistance was released in October 1989.

The game's ending changes slightly depending how many family members are rescued before the final battle! Save them all!

Pony Canyon / Scitron released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Crude Buster, Midnight Resistance - PCCB-00039) on August 21, 1990.

A Midnight Resistance unit appears in the 1990 movie 'Robocop 2'.


1. Heavy Barrel (1987)
2. Midnight Resistance (1989)


Designer : Koji Akibayashi
Software : Yuichi Nishimura, Naoya Hanada, Yuji Ohtomo, Tac. H
Hardware : Keiichi Yoshida, Hiroyuki Iwabe, Shingo Mitsui
Graphic designers : Tomoo Adachi, Kazumi Minagawa, Fujimi Ohnishi, Yoshinari Kaihoh
Sound : Ahsa, Mard, Fuse, Kiwchi, Hitomi Komatsu


Game's rom.
Machine's picture.


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