Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra | Any Ending SPEEDRUN in

Описание к видео Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra | Any Ending SPEEDRUN in

I did a re-route which skips all secret passageways and it saved a butt ton of time in Act 3. Missed the clock skip in Act 4 for no good reason other than that I goofed and mis-clicked. Easy 10 second time save there. Act 2 was meh, gotta practice that some more.

RNG was almost perfect... had to wait for the Countess to walk her fat ass out of the armory, but other than that no complaints.

Definite room for improvement, easy time saves in 2 and 4 will bring this down to around 16, maybe even sub-16 if I'm lucky enough.


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