How to draw

Описание к видео How to draw


Materials required:
a) coverslip b) watch glass
c) needles d) forceps
e) brush f) slide glass
g) safranin h) glycerine
i) water
j) compound microscope

A small piece of onion was taken and peeled off the membrane from the underside (the rough side) using forceps. The membrane was kept in a watch glass containing safranin solution for staining. After 2 minutes of staining, a small piece of membrane was transferred into the slide glass (containg a drop of glycerine);using brush. With the help of needle, the thin glass cover slip or cover glass placed onto the slide slowly so that there were no air bubbles. Then it was observed in compound microscope in the magnification of 10×10 and 10×40.

i) There are a large number of regularly shaped cells lying side by side and each cell has a distinct cell wall.
ii) A distinct nucleus is present on the periphery of each cell.
iii) A Lightly stained cytoplasm is observed in each cell.
iv) A large vacuole is present at the centre of each cell, and is surrounded by the cytoplasm.

Result & Conclusion:
As cell walls and large vacuoles are clearly observed in all the cells which is main characteristics of plant cell. In this way, we can study plant cells by making temporary slides.

Precautions :
a) Brush should be use to transfer the peel from one apparatus to another.
b) Staining of peel should neither be too dark, nor too light.
c) Extra glycerine stain should be removed using blotting paper.


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