Episode 6 - Meido Moore Roshi Podcast Interview (Zen Lamp Series)

Описание к видео Episode 6 - Meido Moore Roshi Podcast Interview (Zen Lamp Series)

Meido Roshi began Zen practice in 1988 and trained under three teachers in the line of the great 20th century Rinzai master Omori Sogen Roshi: the late Tenzan Toyoda Rokoji, in whose training hall he resided for seven years while also enduring a severe training in traditional martial arts; Dogen Hosokawa Roshi (Omori Roshi’s main dharma heir), with whom he trained for fifteen years; and So'zan Miller Roshi, with whom he trained for three years. He has completed the koan curriculum of this lineage, and in 2008 received inka shomei.


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