Can You Touch the Edge of the Universe in Super Mario Galaxy?

Описание к видео Can You Touch the Edge of the Universe in Super Mario Galaxy?

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The beauty of Super Mario Galaxy is that the worlds seem absolutely endless and appear to go on forever. However, this is also one of the greatest Super Mario Galaxy mysteries for me too. Does SMG's space go on forever? Or can we actually reach the end of what we see? Well, join me for a crazy adventure into space as we blast through parallel universes on our way to solving one of the biggest remaining puzzles in the game.

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#mario #supermariogalaxy #supermariobros #outofbounds #supermariogalaxy2 #swankybox #gamingmystery #smg1

Credits and sources:

Research and experimentation by SwankyBox.
Special thanks to CaptainByte for discussing the fountain warp with me.
Filmed and edited by SwankyBox and Stowgee.
Additional audio editing by Seeraphis.

"Voyage of Discovery" clips by NASA Video.
   • Voyage of Discovery  

Songs from Super Mario Galaxy OST's

"Overture" - SMG1
"Drip Drop Galaxy" - SMG1
"Space Junk Galaxy" - SMG1
"Purple Coins Challenge" - SMG1


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