Vacuum distillation unit ,حدة التقطير الفراغي

Описание к видео Vacuum distillation unit ,حدة التقطير الفراغي

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vacuum distillation
و تفاصيل مثال التقطير التفريغي و مناقشة بعض المشاكل
شرح موضوع التقطير الفراغي
Fractional distillation of crude oil is a process used to separate its various components based on their boiling points. The crude oil is heated in a tall column, and as it vaporizes, the different hydrocarbons condense at different heights in the column. Lighter components like gasoline rise to the top, while heavier ones like diesel and lubricating oil settle at the bottom, allowing for their collection as distinct products. #fuels #ichem #marineengineer #marineengineering #chemistrynotes


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